-- By Krishna Bajaj
NISHṬHA - Kids Yoga Program is a concrete curriculum that spans 8 months to inculcate a disciplined practice-based program, which truly drills in the true concept and purpose of Yoga for kids. Let’s hear from our superstars about the program.
In this section, we are presenting article shared by one of our students Miss. Krisha Bajaj, 14 years’ old who is with us since last 5 years.
I know Yoga since childhood as my parents are Yoga practioners since long time. I started going to Yoga classes when I was 9 years old. Obviously, this was just another class my parents put me into until it became enjoyable and ever since then, I’ve been more than thankful that I was introduced to this path of well being. Throughout the years, as I
continued practicing, yoga helped me out as I grew. With the help of Yoga, I became aware about my body and breathing. I was aware of maintaining the correct body posture throughout the day. I became stronger and more flexible. I have become aware of my breathing and it helps me to keep calm in the situations which were making me panic earlier. Also, I can observe that my focus has improved and it helps me to do well in my studies. I have found great friends at my Yoga class, and for them also it as a lifestyle and not just an activity. I have seen in my Yoga class that the practices help people of all ages and especially, friends in my Nishtha Program share similar experiences as I have.
In my Yoga class, we have been given two interesting books, ‘The Drops’ and ‘The Blossom’. These story books have helped me to understand that Yoga is a form of conduct. It teaches us manners and disciplines the active mind. Yoga shows us to be subtle yet present in our surroundings. To me, yoga seems forgiving as it does not snap at you and no mistake is
uncorrectable. If you can ignore the initial muscle aches, yoga can yield patience as it remains patient with you. Focusing more in studies, maintaining a fit body, understanding the functions of organs in a practical way, schooling the mind, so on and so forth are just a few gains from yoga. I have realized that with just an hour of practice every day, I can enjoy everything I do, whether it’s my studies, daily chores, extra-curricular activities at school and even playing games with my friends. For me, Yoga is a gift which helps me to enjoy life to fullest.