Untreated PMS can lead to increased suicidal risk, sexual distress which can lead to relationship problems. Also, it may lead to work related stress and com plications.

The main intention to treat PMS is symptom relief and to reduce its effects on daily routine activities. Pharmacotherapy was always the first line of treatment for premenstrual syndrome, but recent research has suggested that alter native methods also help in symptoms relief . Nonpharmacological treatments, mainly cognitive and behavioral therapies, exercises, massage therapy, light therapy along with dietary and nutritional modifications have been proven beneficial for the treatment of premenstrual symptoms. Practicing Hatha Yoga regularly can bring about a drastic change in your life. Hatha yogic methods helps to relieve physical and mental symptoms during PMS. Yoga works on the autonomic nervous system and helps to stimulate the release of body’s natural pain killers, thereby reducing the symptoms of PMS. Given below are preparatory practices, asanas, breathing and meditation techniques which can be practiced during PMS
Preparatory practices - Artha titli and Poorna titli.
Asanas – Marjariasana, Shashankasa na, Matsyendrasana, Kandharasana
Breathing techniques – Abdominal breathing, Anulom Vilom methods.
Meditation – Meditating on the flow of breath.
Premenstrual syndrome is a common problem among females of childbearing age. Spreading awareness about PMS and its hormonal changes is extremely important to lead a stress-free life. Apart from medical treatment, bringing about quintessential lifestyle changes including Yoga can help in a long way to alleviate the major symptoms to a great extent.
-- Yoga for women