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Hathavidya Traditional school of Yoga

Insight Into Asanas : Vajrasana - Traditional Approach ( s1:e1 )

Updated: Jul 4, 2024

Our series ‘Insight into Asanas’ aims to give a complete understanding and the correct way to perform asanas

haṭhasya prathamāngghatvādāsanaṃ


kuryāttadāsanaṃ sthairyamāroghyaṃ


" Being the first limb of Haṭha Yoga, âsana is described first. It should be practiced for gaining steady posture, health, and lightness of body "

-- Hathayoga Pradipika Verse 1.17



dhyāna-samādhayo’ stāv- aṅgāni

" The eight limbs of yoga are: yama (self-regulation), niyama (observances), asana (posture), pranayama (breath control), pratyahara (withdrawal of senses), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation), and samadhi (bliss) "

-- Patanjala Yoga Sutra Verse 2.29

What is Asana ?

In present times, asanas are erroneously considered as mere exercise to get physi[1]cal benefits, and sometimes people misidentify Yoga as only asanas. In fact, wherever asanas, kumbhaka, mudra, bandhas and shad Kriyas (cleansing process) are mentioned, it comes under the roof of Hathayoga. In Verse I.67 of Hatha Yoga Pradipika, it is suggested by great sage Svatmarama that along with other Hatha yogic practices such as kumbhakas and mudras, asanas shall be practiced till the attainment of Raja Yoga

Asana leads not only to the subtlety of the limbs, but it brings the steadiness to our body and mind. Asanas even helps one attain the higher states of yoga as every asana has a spiritual connection as well

Our series ‘Insight into Asanas’ aims to give a complete understanding and the correct way to perform asanas

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